Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku

Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku Manga


Alternative: ムダヅモ無き改革 ; The Legend of Koizumi ; Легенда о Коизуме (Russian) ; Ang Alamat ni Koizumi (Filipino)
View: 1400000 views
Author(s): Owada Hideki
Genre: Comedy, Historical, Seinen, Sports,
Status: Ongoing

Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku Content

Junichiro Koizumi. Prime Minister of Japan, or God of Mahjong incarnate? Watch him clash with other world titans such as George W. Bush, Kim Jong Il, and Vladimir Putin in the one force that matters in the political world: mahjong.

Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku chapters