Kuro-Chan Chi No Oshiire Ga Tsukaenai Riyuu

Kuro-Chan Chi No Oshiire Ga Tsukaenai Riyuu Manga


Alternative: Reason why the closet of Kuro-chan's house can't be used ; クロちゃん家の押入れが使えない理由 ; クロちゃん家の押入れが使えない理由〈わけ〉 ; Kuro-chan Chi no Oshiire ga Tsukaenai Riyuu (Wake) ; Kuro-chan Chi no Oshiire ga Tsukaenai Wake
View: 644500 views
Author(s): Tsubomi Hanabana
Genre: Comedy, School life, Sci fi, Slice of life,
Status: Ongoing

Kuro-Chan Chi No Oshiire Ga Tsukaenai Riyuu Content

One day a junior high school sophomore student Kuro-chan, discovers aliens coming out of her closet! Now, it's up to her to regulate these migrant aliens!

Kuro-Chan Chi No Oshiire Ga Tsukaenai Riyuu chapters